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Re: XJRS Question

Subject: Re: XJRS Question
From: (Marcus Tooze)
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 94 07:50:47 CST
(No helpful input)


I think I test drove one of these just before I came out to the states. A friend
and I mascaraded (sp?) as succesful city kids in his dads Jag pretending
I was looking to get a jag 'like my mate'. I'm sure the dealer wasn't fooled,
but what did he (or I) care anyway. 

All I can say is, its the first time I've gone 80mph and not heard A THING! You
could feel the 'whump' when you stuck your foot down, but not even a tickle
from the motor unless you had the window down.

I've never heard of friend fathers is an 1990 XJS...quite nice 
as well...hes never had any trouble.


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