Reply to: RE>junker laws
> if anyone out there
in knows of organizations working to resist these laws, or
at least lobby for some moderation in them, please post any information
you have to me.
There is a lobbyist group forming called COVA, supported by professional
restorers, parts & service suppliers/manufacturers, and hobbyists/collectors.
Council of Vehicle Associations
10400 Roberts Rd.
Palos Hills, Illinois 60465
They are collecting data from any and all people involved in any way with
antique/classic cars, to determine how big is the hobby in terms of dollars
spent per year as a part of the Gross National Product, number of people
employed, and also number of miles per year our cars are driven.
They are fighting:
1. crusher programs
2. punitive taxation of old cars
3. zoning and land use ordinances against storing and restoring old cars in the
privacy of your own garage
Can you stomach a $4000 per year per car registration fee and property tax? If
so, then ignore this warning. Such taxation was proposed in California.