My daily commute goes through roughly 8 miles of urban highway, followed by
about 17 miles of rural highway. I have been noticing that the B runs cooler
in the evening commute than during the morning commute. At first, I simply
attributed this to the difference in ambient temperature (at present, my
cooling system is ambient temperature-driven; I think I've got a half-blocked
radiator). Well, I got to thinking about it, and decided to try a little test.
This morning, the car was running a little warm, as usual during the daylight,
so I decided to switch on the lights for a stretch of highway. Well, lo and
behold, the temperature gauge dropped to the usual nighttime reading! I
repeated this twice during the drive, with the same results.
I'm sure this is one of the "features" of Lucas, Ltd. My question is: is this
merely an amusing anomaly, or is it a symptom of a real problem? The difference
between the two readings is roughly 1.5 mm, measured at the end of the needle;
doesn't seem to me to be a big difference. Would a new temperature sending
unit change anything?
I managed to fit my (rather large) bass trombone in the boot the other day.
I was pleasantly surprised!
Thanks for the front suspension rebuild information. I've got the bushings,
I've got the net.wisdom, now I need a block of time!
May all your days be like mine was yesterday (~75F, blue skies, wind in hair).