Hey all,
Only one to report....spent a few hours fitting the passenger floor pan for
welding. Rather than weld it myself, I found a local guy with a rig who did
a nice job for me last night. Took 1 hour to weld in and only cost $25!!
I picked up some silicone sealant, rust protection etc etc and will prepare
it next weekend. I'll also be able to put the passenger seat back in will
bring sighs of relief from friends (I gave one friend a lift on saturday night,
and let us say she isn't a petite girl. Cramming her in through the door
was amusing...her sitting on the parcel shelf with her feet braced
against the cross member was funny...smalll shrieks as we hit pot-holes
was funnier still!). I also have to do the first oil change next weekend too.
I didn't have chance to check the tune up stuff concerning the mis-firing
problem....I don't know...becuase it's intermittent, I have a feeling it
still may be a carb thing...we'll see.
I have a question concerning folding the top down, HOW? At the moment
I put the top down, and the frame rubs on side plastic windows, but I can't
figure how to fold so this doesn't happen. There are already one or two small
scratches on the window.
Which snaps am I meant to undo?
All of them incuding the tenax studs?