Fellow fiends:
Rumor has it that there is a sale at Sears on DieHards. Now, old '63
aint exactly ready for one, but I am going to get one. Question is:
when I stop by and ask the salesperson for a battery for a '63 MG B they
sort of just look at me. Can someone out there in net.land give me a
specific battery number that is appropriate? Then I can waltz in and
ask for battery xyz and buy it with dignity.
Second question (related to first): This is likely an FAQ, but here goes
anyway: is there a danger in getting a high amp battery when the car
came with a lower rated battery to begin with? I am somewhere south of a
cheese danish when it comes to auto electrics so I am, by deffinition,
asking a stupid question, but perhaps someone will indulge me.
Many thanks,
Will Zehring (aka wzehrin@cms.cc.wayne.edu)