Well, oddly enough I ran carbs off an old Volvo too - same 16 degree
tilt. (on a Spitfire) I found that once the engine was adjusted to less
back pressure (I also fit a Monza exhaust) that the SUs self adjusted to
the increase in vacuum. The mix adjust on the bridge should take care of
any other concerns.
I did lowwer the float valves to prevent spillage out the low end of the
bowl. With a really high tune you may suck the bowls dry but I really
doubt it.
As far as the bushings I have nylon and it did firm things up but did
nothing to the ride height. Shocks and springs will but not bushings.
Several netters cleared ME up on this with my Healey.
Have fun. The exhuast makes a bigger difference in performance than I
would have believed !