I have an *original* 1960 TR3A, which came from the factory with a Silver-
grey interior. During the 12 years previous to my purchase of the car in 1972,
various PO(s?) had painted the interior -- leather and all -- tan, bright
then finally black. I'd never have known if I hadn't at one point removed the
center instrument panel to do some minor repair. Whatever any of those brands
might have been, they worked darned well. Paint
stripper finally removed all of that on what little of the original vinyl was
salvageable (mostly dashboard).
Regarding paint removal from plastic, I seem to remember years ago in one of
modeling magazines that the best method of stripping paint from model car
was to use model airplane dope (fuel?) such as would fuel your Cox .049
Other chemicals and, of course, lacquer, would craze the plastic parts -- nice
if you wanted to simulate a vinyl top on your AMT
3-in-1 1963 1/2 Galaxie 500XL, but not so nice otherwise.
Andy *I shoulda stayed with the kits; they were a lot cheaper and easier to
store* Mace