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More paint - Vinyl Kote?

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Subject: More paint - Vinyl Kote?
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 94 23:39:29 CST
SendMail TO(BritCars) Subj(More paint - Vinyl Kote?) File(FEB10943.oma)
BlackTiger Mailer - Msg Created 02-10-1994 .. 15:48:05
>So how good is the vinyl paint that's around? The TR7's door panels are
>badly faded and would look much better in a uniform colour. These are
>the typical cheapie vinyl over masonite/fibreboard/pressboard whatever-
>you-want-call-it stuff, and I think the vinyl is salvageable. Does the
>paint stick well? Does it flake off in the heat/wet/cold/drool? Any tips
>on preparation? Is there a brand of choice for vinyl paint?
>Refinishingly yours,

I have used cheap (hardware store) vinil paint on several of the
interior panels on my TR-3. Works fine. Sprays on and just looks
like the vinil got real clean! I have not noticed any pealing or
flaking problems.
As for the door panels. Mine were shot so I made new ones out of
masonite and vinil and glue. They don't look as good as I suspect
that the expensive replacemnts do but the came out real well IMHO.
I even fabricated the indents boxes (clove boxes in the doors) on
the TR out of cardboard and fiberglass resin.
If you want I could look at the can to see what brand of vinil
paint I used but like I said it was just some cheap stuff I picked
up at the hardware store.

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