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RE: A Modest Proposal

To: ""
Subject: RE: A Modest Proposal
From: (Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626)
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 94 14:14:14 -0600
Roland writes:

>Then the idea struck me that this was a great way to
>return some favors and to enhance the fund at the same time.  How many
>times has another list member sent, given or lent you something and
>refused any return payment?
>So here's my idea:  next time another list member does you a favor at
>some small cost to themselves, suggest repaying them by making a
>donation to the fund in their name.

Gee, should I send in a $500 donation in Ron Hood's name?

If only I had it...


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  • A Modest Proposal, Roland Dudley
    • RE: A Modest Proposal, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626 <=