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Re: Log books (NOT RADAR)

Subject: Re: Log books (NOT RADAR)
From: (Robert M. Bownes III)
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 1994 10:16:42 +0500
->From Tue Jan 25 13:06:54 1994
->Date: Tue, 25 Jan 1994 12:47:10 -0500 (EST)
->From: "W. Ray Gibbons" <>
->Subject: Log books (NOT RADAR)
->Mime-Version: 1.0
->I subscribe to a kazillion car mags.  In the british ones I often read
->that someone bought a car "complete with the original (green?) log book." 
->What's a log book--some sort of substitute for a title?  Are they still used?
->Ray Gibbons

The SCCA issues a log book for a race car when it is first registered
as such.  The log book contains information about the car and owner(s),
pictures of the car, and a description and entry for every event
entered, and every official inspection the car has undergone. Each race
car must undergo an annual inspection for every season it races, and
may undergo a complete post-race teardown (though that rarely happens).
Any racing incidents that may effect the safty of the vehicle are noted
there, as are any problems found in an inspection of any sort. Also
contained therein is the registration #, and logbook #, which must be
stamped on the rollbar of Production cars.

As such, the logbook is a very valuable document if you are trying to sell
a 'vintage' race car, as it may prove the eligibility of the car, whether
or not the car has ever been hit, and where it has been.

Logbooks, have always been, and as far as I know still are, a pale green 
colour. Except for mine, which is pale green and grimy, greasy black...:-}

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