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Radar and others

To: Scions of Lucas <>
Subject: Radar and others
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 94 10:05:26 EST
ENOUGH with the flames!

Let's get something straight. The purpose of "Radar Traps" is
not to control speed, but to generate income for the community.
In that respect, the cop WAS doing his job. Apparently, very well.
Fred was driving 72mph. He was dead meat regardless of the posted
limit. He got his ticket and will pay the penalty. Give him a break.
It's happened to nearly all of us. The fine and insurance penalties
are bad enough without having one's nose rubbed in it by "friends".

Moreover, no one has answered hi question. He asked about radar
detectors and other electronic countermeasures.

So, Fred, here goes. IMHO the best radar detectors are made by two
companies. Cincinatti Microwave, who make the Passport, Escort and Solo
detectors. Some models detect only radar, some only laser and others are
set up for both. I own two Passports and I have nothing but the highest
praise for the quality and performance of these units.

The other company is Valentine (I believe) which was started by the
original designer of the CM Escort. It has 360 degree radar coverage and
laser capability. I've never owned one but I have a friend who swears by
his, and has ordered one for each vehicle he owns. (He has a lot of
vehicles AND a lot of $$$)

Be prepared to spend $300+ for any unit worth owning. Sounds expensive,
but your current situation will cover that several times over. Forget
radar jammers. They are illegal under FCC regulations and will absolutely
get you arrested big time. If you thought the speeding fine was high, I believe
 the penalty for illegally operating a microwave transmitter (which is
what a jammer is) is $10,000! Plus you could spend time in jail. BTW,
contrary to publicity in VA and CT ownership and use of radar detectors
is a Federally protected right (also under FCC rules). Any citizen has the
right to own and operate ANY radio receiver, which is all that a detector is.
Radar absorbing bras don't really work. If you find one, (I've never seen one
particularly for an lbc) it might give you a slightly smaller radar signature,
but then a cop will just wait for you to get closer til he can get a good
reflection and nail you anyway. And if he figures out that you've been
trying to hide from his radar with a microwave absorbant, he'll find something
to write you for, even if it isn't speed. A good detector will warn you
long before he can get a reading on you, in plenty of time to slow down,
at which point all of the other stuff is academic.

Hope that answered your question.
Good Luck,
Rik, I've stood before too many judges, Schlierer

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