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Re: Ever seen one of these?

To: mgm@royko.Chicago.COM
Subject: Re: Ever seen one of these?
From: (James Fuerstenberg)
Date: Tue Jan 25 06:45:11 1994
In your message you write:
>     Date: Sun, 23 Jan 94 2:10:30 CST
>     From: Marty Masters <mgm@royko.Chicago.COM>
> Have you ever heard of a Sabra?  I'm not quite positively sure
> but I think that this TR-3 sized vehicle may be Austrian/Israeli,
> yet the body design suggests British influences.

as far as I know it is the only Israeli built car and they have been
building them since about the late 60's(?).

I have not the slightest idea where you might obtain parts this side
of Tel Aviv...


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