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MGB tire sizes, MkII

Subject: MGB tire sizes, MkII
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 94 08:25:50 EST
Fellow fiends:

I always seem to join up in these conversations at the end when the rest of
you folks have had *about enuf*, but please indulge...

Regarding tire sized on B's, does any one know the acceptable widths for
the *early* disk wheels?  This is for my '63, so the wheel is pre-rostyle,
visually very similar to the MGA disk wheel (it is NOT the same, so I
understand).  Anyway, I suppose outer diatmeter considerations are the same
regardless of model year, but tire width and inner diameter (wheel diameter)
may be different from Rostyle or from wires?  Any body have the real numbers?

I am sorry not to have the figs. on the rotted tires currently on the
wheels as the chassis is in its final bump and paint work at a shop in

Any help would be appreciated (even an other source book (?) that can help me)

Will Zehring

P.S.  Hooooooweeeeeeee: -17 on the drive in today.

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