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1978 MGB

Subject: 1978 MGB
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 94 02:11:34 EST
Hi Everyone,
            I just bought a 1978 MGB about a year ago and evry since the power
has gone straight down hill.  Recently it chewed up a water pump and upon
replacement it will no longer create a seal that will hold for more than a few
days.  Last week the final straw!  I was coming home from a friends wedding and
all of a sudden, with no warning, I get a loud knocking coming from under the
hood.  I pulled over in a cloud of smoke to find that I blew the head gasket.
I guess that the slow loss of power should have tipped me off but, I guess I
was in denial.  But, reguardless I now have a pile of steel sitting in my
garage.  I figured that since the haed was off that I would try and build a
little power into my car.  I don't want to rebuild the engine, I just want to
build up from the block.  Also, has anyone else had that same trouble with the
water pump?  Can I get away with just having my head plained or do I have to
have the block done too?  Damn this car!  I guess it the price you pay for
distinction.  Any help would ba appreciated.

                                            Hope to hear from you,
                                                 Kristen G.

P.S. I am not on the mailing list I just got this address from a friead so,
   please send any responces to me personaly. Thanks again.

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