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RE: What's in octane booster?

Subject: RE: What's in octane booster?
From: "GERONIMO, SC9-32, 765-4903, PAGE 231-6612" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 94 07:33:35 PST
>So what is the octane boosting chemical in octane boosters.  I have seen
>methanol on alot of the containers, is that all it is??

>What is the best "real" octane booster, short of using 100% heptane??
>I'd appreciate common AND correct chemical name (IUPAC).

I have a full write up on octane boosters, different types, including
percentages to use if you want to homebrew your own.  I'll dig it up and e-mail
over if you want it.

Mike G.

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