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Re: Defending Lotus

Subject: Re: Defending Lotus
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 15:08:43 -0800 (PST)
In the (seemingly) never ending exchange between Ray and Tim, Ray 
last added (in addition to comments about wives and girlfriends):

>Way to go, Lotus.  I just love the idea of screaming through a peaceful
>suburban neighborhood in a 3 cylinder Toysubishonda Commutakazi (at a safe
>30 mph) making noises like a Can-Am Camero with a 12:1 rear axle ratio. 

That's the idea of the system; the people in their front yards (and 
your local friendly speed control officers) think you are sedately 
and safely driving thru; while you and your passengers know that you're
REALLY going flat-out through the S-turns at your local F1 track...

But enough of this thread,  *I* want to hear the REAL sounds of my LBC...
Now, if I can only get the stupid Strombergs jetted right... And the 
snow melts...  And I replace the water pump on the H****... And rebuild the 
clutch master cylinder (Gerling) on the Jeep... And paint the house, and...

Tim Mullen
72 Elan Sprint    For the few who know the difference...   :-)

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