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Re: 79 Spitfire's Clutch Master Cylinder

Subject: Re: 79 Spitfire's Clutch Master Cylinder
From: (Thomas Jell)
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 94 12:10:24 +0100
> That worked up until about a week or so ago.  It's leaking again.
> My questions about this are:
> 1.  Is renewing this part just something that I'm going to have to  
> get good at and do every year?

No, one year is not very long.

The inner seals tend to glue when not used daily or weekly. So I recommend 
depressing the clutch at least once a week.

Make sure that the outer seals are well greased (the red one, special brake 
grease). It usually comes with the repair kit. This keeps dust and dirt out.

> 2.  Is it time to buy a new master cylinder

Usually not.

When rebuilding it make sure the cylinder surface is absolute smooth. You may 
polish it but clean it very carefully afterwards.

An uneven or scratched cylinder surface will leak soon again.


Thomas Jell                       |  '79 Spitfire (running, running, ...)
Siemens AG, Corporate R&D         |  '74 STAG     (running)
ZFE BT SE 41                      |  '63 TR 4     (being rebuilt)
Otto Hahn Ring 6                  |   
81730 Muenchen                    |   
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