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British Cars Digest #1051 Sun Jan 2 01:15:01 MST 1994

Subject: British Cars Digest #1051 Sun Jan 2 01:15:01 MST 1994
From: (dixon kenner)
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1993 09:15:24 -0500
> From: (Paulo de Souza)
> I would like to trow an idea to the whole list: To convert it into a
> Newsgroup.

        If you desire the advantages of a newsgroup, why do you not just
        have the British-cars sent to a different name/alias on your system
        and redirect incoming single or digest format messages into a local
        newsgroup.  If you are trying to keep volume down, as I am, and
        receive the mailing-list in the digest format, there is software
        out there that will break the digest format back into individual
        messages.  In fact there is software that will read the digest and
        allow you to directly send mail to the individual message authors.
        Another alternative is to write the shell scripts yourself.  It
        isn't that difficult or complicated to do.

        As per changing the mailing-list to a newsgroup, I disagree.  I
        like he current format, the limitations on access et cetera.
        Anyone can get added to the mailing-list right now.  There is also
        the problem, that while people can get newsgroups without problem
        and mail is a problem, the opposite also occurs.  Mail is no
        problem for me here, adding more newsgroups is.


dixon kenner,
FourFold Symmetry, Nepean, Ontario, Canada

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