Fellow fiends,
About a month ago someone out there in beautiful net.land gave me a
tip about another mailing list of people into club and vintage
racing. Since that time I have responsibly lost the info that you
provided. If you see this and it rings a bell, please contact me
with the info again. I seem to remember the address was something
like "wheeltowheel@ ..." Question: is this a general racing list or is it
specific to LBCs?
Many thanks in advance,
Will Zehring (aka wzehrin@cms.cc.wayne.edu)
"Zowwie!" -what's-his-name in "How to marry a millionaire"
p.s. Just in case you know of a solid restorable (sic) Sprite MkI or
Morgan Plus Four (of the TR2,3,or 4 engined variety) (double sic), please
think of me.