I think what would be more interesting for the Roadster Factory to do is...
Instead of the Compuserve account, set up an internet node of their own that
people can FTP in on.
With their own node they could archive electronic versions of their inventory
(edited for public consumption) so that someone could FTP in look through the
electronic catalogue decide what they want and find out if it is availble. You
could have a price list archived, along with sales information, polocy
information and more. If TRF has its own node they can use it as the hub for
their own electronic communication, even while on the road. At a show, the
people working the parts room could have access to any of the info archived
there to help answer questions.
I think it would be interesting also to have Charles on-line chatting about his
adventures and the trials & tribulations of his work.
Anyway, Dana, So far the discussion is an enthusiastic 100% yes we would like to
see TRF and others participate. But not everyone is interested in daily sales.
TeriAnn Wakeman One of these days, I'll be old enough that
twakeman@apple.com people will stop calling me crazy and start
LINK: TWAKEMAN calling me eccentric.
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