Well Marcus, you really should clean up that oil cooler. I wish
My Spit 1500 had come with one. Just flush some GUNK degreaser
through it and perhaps run new connecting hoses. If not, any
mods to your engine(Webers, hot cam, headers, shaved head - the
car not you) will result in overheating and thus thin oil/
low oil pressure.
The other solution is to ship the whole mess to me in
Toronto for Xmas!
Teriann - tell someone that for Xmas what YOU want is the TR2-6
book THE ORIGINAL TR, by the archivist at the Heritage. There are
masses of picutures of the fire wall etc.
My black wire runs to a screw on the firewall which holds a brake
line clip. It seems to be a ground for items (such as the isolated
wiper motor) which are not screwed into the body, but I'm not
sure. I can check my original TR3 manual and see if there's more
info. I'll also check my other books!