[Re: Spit 1500]:
>In the line leading to the canister is a
>little brass piece with a hole about the size of a sewing needle.
I had the same problem when I had a Spit 1500, but after cleaning the hole
out I *still* had the hot-start problem in warm weather (of which there is
plenty in South Texas). The manifold heat-shield was in place, but I was
evidently still getting fuel vaporization when parked for a few minutes
with a hot engine. I put an electric fuel pump back by the tank and the
problem disappeared forever. The only down-side to this was that the pump
was rather noisy since I bolted it to the body near the tank, which is also
near the passenger compartment.
Lee M. Daniels Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding
daniels@lmsbvx.tamu.edu Texas A&M University (409) 845-3726