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MGB wheel question

Subject: MGB wheel question
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 93 10:48:37 -0800
I was looking in the latest MOSS flyer and noticed that they are suggesting 15 
inch wheels (5.5 inch wide Minilite knockoffs) to go onto MGBs with 60 series 

Having gone through the pains of trying to find proper 165SR14 tyres with an 
agressive  wet/ dry tread I am ready to go to the bigger wheels (of course 
having all wheels with worn splines and at least one broken spoke may have 
something to do with this as well).

What is the net.wisdom on putting 15 inch 5.5 wide wheels on a B???? Is this to 
be prefered over 14 inch 5.5 wide wheels?  How about tyre availibility on the 
wider 14 inch rims????

Changing the subject a little, Moss has a bunch of give aways but only one per 
purchase.  I think this means, I call Moss four times, order one wheel and one 
give away on each order.  The Moss give away ends 31 Dec.  Anyone know when the 
Roadster Factory Winter sale starts???

Tweeking the subject a bit more.  I called the Roadster Factory technical help 
line last Wednsday.  The person I talked to was very unhelpful.  He wasn't about
to research my questions or even take the time to look them up in any reference 
materials he may have had.  I have received MUCH better technical help from the 
people taking my orders.  This guy seemed too busy to bother with me.

By contrast, Eric, the technical help person at Moss is great to work with.  We 
have exchenged all kinds of information.  He is willing to take the time to 
recearch a question if he does not have a ready answer, and to looke things up 
in his reference materials.

Take care,


TeriAnn Wakeman             One of these days, I'll be old enough that          people will stop calling me crazy and start
LINK: TWAKEMAN              calling me eccentric.
408-974-2344        TR3A - TS75519L, MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, 109 - 164000561

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