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Re: MGA rust repair

Subject: Re: MGA rust repair
From: (Ed Kuspiel)
Date: 29 Nov 1993 09:12:28 -0500 (EST)
You are right on target when you should fix the rockers
before taking the body off.  If you take it off in two 
halves, it will never go back together right.

DO the sills in this order:
1. remove the front and back wings
2. remove the interior trim and carpet
3. inspect with screw driver(check around H Pillers top and bottom)
4. buy all the parts
5. align door to so as to shut correctly
6. use a 2x4s and secure the top and bottom of
    body across the door opening
7. measure up the new parts against the body
8. cut and weld- the part installation order is obvious
9. check door fit as you go especially before
    securing the bottom of the H pillars and
    again before installing the rockers.
10. on long welds tack ends let welds cool
     tack @2" in middle let cool.  Keep splitting
     the difference untill done.  This is especially
     true for the front fender patch pieces.

I have a fixed head Coupe.  I did not take it off the frame.
The H pillers STILL twisted on me making the door fit tough.

Good luck!

Oh! watch out that you don't torch the rubber packing that
sits between the body and the frame.  Also dont make the 
weld bead on the top of the rocker too thick or the chrome
trim will not fit and the door woun't close.

Ed K

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