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BGT head gasket, headers

Subject: BGT head gasket, headers
From: Jon Mason Gougar Jr <>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 10:48:59 -0600 (CST)
   I recently purchased a '73 MGB GT, and I have begun the process of
finding all of the mechanical problems. Since I am a college student, I
will have about three weeks of Christmas break to spend elbow deep in MG,
and I plan to use this time to replace the seeping head gasket, and the 
leaky exhaust header pipes. While the head is off, I am thinking of 
disassembling and cleaning/relapping the valves, etc.
   I have some questions: I just recieved my Victoria British and Moss
catalogs, and they both offer the factory type and copper head gaskets.
I have been told that the copper ones are the hot ticket. They all cost 
about the same (except for Moss' competition one), any recommendations?
When I order the parts, I will be ordering a service manual. Should I go
ahead and purchase both the Bentley and the Haynes manuals, or will the 
Haynes safely guide me through a head gasket replacement (I'm on a tight
budget)? Should I replace the head to block studs while everything is apart?
Is there anyway to tell if there are hardened valve seats and stellite valves
in the head by merely inspecting them? The former owner said that my engine
was overhauled in Great Britain about 20k ago. I don't know what the chances
of a head upgrade being performed are. I could have this work done quite
cheaply if needed. Would it be worth my while? Any answers to these questions
will be much appreciated. Also, any opinions regarding Victoria British and
Moss, and suggestions about other possible parts houses are more than welcome.
                                                 Jon Gougar, Jr.

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