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Re: TR3&4 thremo. hsings

Subject: Re: TR3&4 thremo. hsings
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1993 23:12:15 +0000 (GMT)
> Once again, time to dip into the pool of net.wisdom
> I have tried and tried to get the temperature sender out of the lower 
> housing. 

**** TeriAnn, you need my super-deluxe patented TR Temperature sender
                       ( !!! )
  Just a second... it's gotta be around here someplace ( sounds of
  jerry rooting through his desk )... Nope.  Must be out in the
  garage or something.
  Anyway, here's how it works:
     1)  I measured the flat-to-flat distance of the sender nut.
     2)  I got a brand-new 6-point socket matching that flat-to-flat
     3)  I welded a sparkplug wrench to the drive end of the big socket.
     4)  I took a die grinder and ground a slot up the side of both
         sockets.  The slot was wide enough to pass the bourdon tube, and
         went from the bottom edge of the big socket almost up to the
         drive end of the sparkplug wrench.
     5)  Then I placed the tool over the sender nut.  The bourdon tube
         exited out the side, through the slot.  Just like the sparkplug
         wire comes out the side of that plastic tower they have on a
         Colortune. I put the thermostat housing in a vise, applied my
         impact wrench to the drive end of the tool, and gingerly pressed
         the button.  Brrip!  The sender came right off!  Neither the
         sender, nor the housing, nor the bourdon tube were damaged!

                                         - Jerry
        p.s.  TeriAnn, I will do my level best to find this tool for you.
              Of course, knowing you, you might wish to make a better one:
              the longer the slot, the better.  Less chance of winding up
              the bourdon tube.  Still, it worked OK for me.
* Jerry Kaidor,     *
*                    KF6VB                                    *

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