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SU mods

To: sol@hoosier
Subject: SU mods
From: (James Fuerstenberg)
Date: Mon Nov 22 10:17:36 1993
Just a belated comment re modifying SU carbs.

For racing use ONLY, through-boring the carbs works well.  This
means that you are going to be spending all your time at or above
5000rpm.  Otherwise, do not through-bore as the car will have awful least it did on my car.

But with most of vizard mods plus throughboring, I could outpull
equivalent cars with a weber, so long as I did not let the revs drop.

I also used WD40 on the piston and no other oil.  BG needle worked
best.  Actually, if I was willing to screw with modifying the
needle, I could have improved low speed driveability as little...but
it was not that important.

Jim or

"Here's to our friends the good guys.  And here's to our enemies, the
bad guys.  And here's to the hope that we can tell the difference."

 --Keith Laumer--

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