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Re: My TR6 ate its fan

Subject: Re: My TR6 ate its fan
From: Joe Flake <>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 10:00:17 EST
Well, I found my replacement fan.  Took a few calls, but VISA and
UPS now have it on the way from Texas to Georgia.  A bit pricey
for a blob of plastic, but isn't that what hobbies are for...

I took things apart last night.  Wasn't as much of a chore as I'd
expected to get the radiator out to get to the fan mounting.

I found that the reason my fan would turn was indeed the lack
of the positioning pins where the crank extension mounts.  Actually
they were there, but forced up into the extension and flush on
the mounting surface.  My guess is that when it was last assembled
(there was an engine rebuild done two POs back) the mechanic
slapped it to the front of the crank, stuck the bolt in and hit
it with the big air impact wrench (the bolt is a 5/8" to be tightened
to ~90 ft-lbs).  The pins weren't in the crank holes and simply
pressed back into the extension!  (The holes for the pins go all the
way through the extension)  Anyway this big bolt which holds
everything together was VERY loose.  It looks like it eased
forward enough for the fan to hit the bottom rail of the radiator
and relieve itself of the interfering parts!

I'll now drive the pins out to where they belong, smooth up the
bolt where it seems to have taken a bit of a beating (fits very
tightly in the extension now, I think it should be snug but not
the force fit it has now), and prepare to put it all back together.

While the radiator is out of the way, I think I'll take the opportunity
to be sure the steering rack oil is up to level.  Why does one job
just expose another?


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