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Block Painting, RPMs

Subject: Block Painting, RPMs
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 93 14:45:31 EST
Robert Keller writes:

>My 3 Main Bearing engine block appears to be carefully painted 
>red thoughout the INSIDE of the crankcase.  Is this MG original, 
>or the work of a Previous Owner?

Just one more guess on this topic -it's not an uncommon trick among American
V-8 performance builders to paint the inside of the block to fix casting sand
in the block, as opposed to the oil, bearings, pump, etc - they claim you can
never scrub it all out, and their flavor of choice is some GE electric motor
coil winding sealer.  Seems like overkill to me, but I've never had a $25K
Winston Cup motor, either.

(TeriAnn - per the concours judges, they could use a surgical light/camera
probe, down the dipstick tube or p'rhaps an oil return passage, nudge ;-)

Thanks to those kind enough to post their RPM limits. I must be in better
shape than I thought valvespringwise (Kent "race" springs, vendor wouldn't
hazard a guess for what RPMs they'd handle), for my 8K excursion came w/no
discernable valve float - it just kept pulling until I had time to look

A reread through the crank chapter in the Gospel According to St. Vizard has
convinced me that w/my 1098 crank, I'd be much happier if I set my new rev
limiter at 7K or below, so until I can afford a billet crank (yeah, right)
that's where I'll stop.  By the formula, this corresponds to about a 5%
safety margin.

Ernest Davis
11/12/93, 10:12

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