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Reply to Kazuhiro IGETA

Subject: Reply to Kazuhiro IGETA
From: (Flemming Larsen)
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 93 23:15:22 -0800
>From flarsen Fri Nov  5 21:56:14 1993
Subject: Reply to Kazuhiro IGETA
Status: R

Greetings, Kazuhiro,

I'm sorry if my posting was confusing, or if anyone was offended by it.

There are three different people involved in this story:

First, there's Gerry, who posted the original story about his brother-in-law's
technical problem. Gerry, who probably drives a Miata and doesn't know anything
about Lotus Sevens or Caterhams, is not to blame for any of the confusion.

Then, there's Gerry's unfortunate brother-in-law, who has a '73 Caterham Super
Seven, which he calls a Lotus Seven just because it has a Lotus Badge on it,
which has a problem with lower trunnions of his front suspension.

(BTW, guys, I wish you could all agree on the correct spelling of "trunnion")

At this point, I'd like to point out that I have absolutely no disregard for
Caterham Super Sevens, their owners or other Caterham luna.. er, enthusiasts.
I have the beautiful picture of Ben Hodson's Caterham Seven in the background
on my computer screen at work. I'd love to go vrooom in a Seven like that,
instead of working. (Thanks, Ben, for the picture, btw.)

Finally, there's me: Flemming Larsen, who posted the disrespectful reply to
Gerry's original question about trunnions. (Gerry, see apology above.)
I own (or at least I own all the parts for) a 1964 Lotus Seven, Series Two.
It has all the original parts, except for the original engine, according to
the engine number stamped on the vehicle identification plate. So far,
no-one on this list has been able to tell me what the original engine type was.

Here are the specifics:

   Me:                  Flemming Larsen
   The car:             Lotus Seven, Series Two, RHD
   The Year:            1964
   Built By:            Lotus Components, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. England.
   Chassis No.:         US64SB1825      (from the identification plate)
   Chassis No.:         B1644           (stamped on the chassis)
   Engine No.:          8G19RS23648     (from the identification plate)
   Current Engine:      1275cc BMC Type A (Midget/Sprite)
   Transmission:        Spridget "Four On the Floor"
   Rear End:            Triumph Standard

And a picture worth a thousand Caterh.. er, words:

               |         |
         _o_  _| ___=___ |_  _o_
        /`-'\( )         ( )/`-'\
        |   |-|  ___@___  |-|   |
        |   | | (-+-+-+-) | |   |
        |   |--\_KAR120C_/--|   |
         ---                 ---

-- Flemming "I didn't know Triumph had any Standards" Larsen

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