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Subject: Re:
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 13:53:36 pst
> Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 13:33:34 PST
> From: Paul Tonizzo _DTN 631-7107  03-Nov-1993 1632 
> To:
> Apparently-To:
>       Have you ever tried to remove frozen pistons from an MGA dual brake/
>    clutch master cylinder?  There's nothing to grab onto so unless they are
>    only slightly stuck, there's no way to force them out.
>    Here's a method I used to free mine up that worked very well.

[Paul's 5 step procedure deleted]

Here's another method that might work without damaging the piston:  Put
the MC in the freezer for several hours, remove it and warm it up
rapidly with hot water or even a torch.  Repeat this several times.
This should be more effective if the piston is made of a different metal
than the MC body because they will have different coefficients of

What this does is to break loose the corrosion bond which is what
usually causes the piston to be "frozen" in the bore.

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