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Distributer woes again.

Subject: Distributer woes again.
From: paul gilders rs <>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 93 09:14:13 GMT
Well I'm not sure if any of you remember my problems about my
separating distributer casing, but after about 500 miles or so, it's
falling apart again. About a month ago I tried to glue the upper and
lower parts of my distributer casing together and at the time I was
concerned as to the longevity of the fix. However, last weekend I
noticed the top of the distributer beginning to wobble about again and
carrying out my first dynamic timing test this weekend, my suspicions
were confirmed when I couldn't get anything close to a steady timing
indication (yes, I did disconnect the vaccuum retard). So I'm
convinced I really could do with a new/replacement distributer. I
called up a local TR parts supplier who then informed me of the rarity
if these items (as if I couldn't have guessed) and his best advice was
to ask around for a good or "exchangeable" distributer. 

So, anybody got a spare TR6 distributer hanging around? Obviously I'd
prefer to get one here in the UK, but I'd consider having one shipped
across the pond if necessary.



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