After belting down the road for about an hour at about 70mph, I happened
to glance at the oil pressure guage and saw it drop away from its normally
healthy +50psi to something less than 20. It didnt get to zero and
as I did not have far to go I pressed on, fearing the worst.
The following morning I found there was still plenty of oil in the
sump, and the oil pressure was fine once again. I drove about 90 miles
that day and the symptoms did not reappear.
Now, its been a bit cold here in the UK and inorder to keep myself & engine
warm I've placed a bit of card across the grille, covering about 80% of the
area. This time last year I covered the front of radiator and it was
too effective - the car boiled up. I found that covering the grille is
the way to go. Even so, the heater could only put out little more than
lukewarm air during the evening. The temperature gauge is steady and
way below the mid point. I had the radiator repaired a while back; my
car seems to run pretty cool.
So - any clues? Why did the oil pressure fall off so dramatically? Can the
pump wear? Pressure relief valve? Gauze filter?? Help!
The car is running really well too.
Regards, Adrian