Had an interesting conversation with a dogcatcher yesterday...
First some background. We've been having some trouble with our pet
cat. He's old and ornery. A couple of times recently people in the
area have had to call us to come get him out of their yard or garage
or whatever.
Thursday, just after I got home from work, the doorbell rang. My wife
answered, and nearly fainted; it was an animal control officer. He
was responding to a call in the neighborhood and had seen my
partially covered Alpine in the driveway, and wanted to talk about
buying it. He has a Ford 289 engine and is looking for a solid
Sunbeam body/chassis to install it in. Anyone out there know of one?
Turns out this guy also has a Rover 3500 which is beyond recovery, and
a Peugeot 604 turbodiesel with a dead engine, so he's going to
transplant the Rover V8 into the Peugeot. He also mentioned that he
had a Dodge Caravan with an overtired 2.2L engine (140K miles), and
that he found a Daytona Turbo 2.2L in a junkyard. You guessed it:
Turbo Caravan!
We BS-ed about Britcars for a while, then he went around the corner to
his call. Susan left for her aerobics class. A little while later
the doorbell rang again. It was the dogcatcher again. The call he
was responding to was regarding our cat! Kind of embarrassing for
both of us...
Anyway, I promised him I'd send a request to the list about the
Sunbeam body. If you know of anything, reply back to me or call Sam
Lewis at 205-859-5084 evenings.
T.J. Higgins | tjhiggin@ingr.com | (205) 730-7922
Intergraph Corp. | Mapping Sciences Division | Huntsville, AL, USA