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MG clubs

Subject: MG clubs
From: (Marcus Tooze)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 93 09:15:22 CDT
 Bit of a FAQ....

Is there a Illinois MG club??? I'm downstate in Champaign and therefore would
prefer something that meets near me rather than Chicago.


From Tue Sep 11 11:47:04 2001
From: (Roger Garnett)
Date:          Tue, 28 Sep 1993 10:55:00 
Subject:       Re: movie cars

> From:           <amace%sedofis@sed.BITNET>
> Circling back as best I can to LBC-related items...

Come on you Triumph fans- how about the Morgan in the War of the Roses?
I've heard this one mentioned here, but I haven't seen the movie. I 
believe that one enraged spouse (The wife?) ran over the others Morgan with 
a Big-foot like pickup truck. Rather messy.

The car was actually totaled. The body wasted, and the frame bent beyond 
recovery. What happened to that Morgan? Was it sent to the crusher? Turned 
into a planter?

                The answer is...

It was rebuilt, and is currently being vintage raced! I saw this car at a 
VSCCA race at Pocono in May. The owner had a picture of the bigfoot atop 
the Morgan, with a letter of athenticty from the movie studio. The car was 
basicly rebuilt from scratch, with very little besides the engine being 

Roger -But what about the white Jag that goes 
       over the cliff in so many movies?- Garnett

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