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Re: There and Back Again

To: (Garry Archer)
Subject: Re: There and Back Again
From: (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1993 16:13:48 -0500 (CDT)
Garry Archer writes >

>One old car that I did see a lot of examples of was the "built like a
>brick sh*thouse" Morris Minor, which I have always affectionately called
>"Moggies" after knowing several owners who called theirs the same, despite
>the trend by others to call Morgans by the same loveable name.

>It seems like the Morris "Moggy" Minor will keep going forever unlike all
>others from the same era, and since!

There were some folks here in Minnesota back in the seventies who called
that car a "Mo-Mo", so I got in the habit.  Don't know how widespread this

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