I'm pretty sure I've seen a screw-on oil filter adapter in the TRF
catalog, two actually, one for use with and one for use without an oil cooler.
Re the canisters, I still use one, and have had the problem with it leaking.
Definetly replace the innards you are missing. I found that when I threw all
caution to the wind, and tightened the sucker till it stopped turning, that
it then stopped leaking (note: this _is_ with a new o-ring). So forget the
torque specs, and just crank it till it stops. I guesstimate a torque of
about 30 ft-lb (I use a combination wrench for this). Invariably the
leaking problem goes away (for me). It's just that extra torque to seal the
o-ring. Also, don't forget to lightly lube the o-ring with oil before
If you don't get anything from Dana Henry at TRF, e-mail her for the
part no. (sorry I don't have her address). Good Luck!
Vaughan Scott Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
scottv@rpi.edu Troy, NY
Coffee is just the thing when you get up at 7:15 for your 8:00 AM lab
to find it's not meeting 'till 9:00 now... :(