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TR7 5-spd transmission

Subject: TR7 5-spd transmission
From: Vaughan K. Scott <>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1993 12:21:03 -0400
        Well, I figured out what was wrong with my no-power problem I posted
last week (Thursday).  The problem was that I was not getting any power to the
rear wheels, in spite of the fact that the engine was running, the tranny was
in gear, and the clutch pedal was out (clutch engaged).  I pulled the
transmission Friday night, and tested it (bench test).  Basically, only fifth
gear works.  All the other gears either do not select (quite likely, something
wrong with the selector forks), or they have absolutely no teeth left on them.
I prefer to suspect the first.  So basically, the transmission needs to be 
taapart and inspected.  Fortunately I have another one, as I do not have the 
tu--- time to fix this one.  Anyhow, the problem was with the transmission, not
the clutch, throwout fork, bearing, rear end, or anything else.  I could even
see the marks on the release fingers and bearing from when the clutch 
disengaged.  BTW, when I bench tested it, I put it in gear and spun the input
shaft.  Only in fifth gear was there a solid connection.  In the other gears,
there was only the viscous connection from the gear fluid.  I still do think
that the transmission is good, if the selector forks were fixed.  Anyone want
a great deal on a decent, very pretty transmission? ;)  

Vaughan Scott           Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute          Troy, NY

 ...looking for a ride to Saratoga now, to pick up my other transmission.
Racing my TR7 on Saturday!!! (Ok, so I'm optimistic)

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