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Re: Brit-cars & justice

Subject: Re: Brit-cars & justice
From: (Robert Jones)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 93 15:08:33 EDT
From: (Nick Van Matre)
|> One of my observations of brit-car owners is that we are
|> Very quick to assume personal responsibility for a
|> breakdown, thereby avoiding "blaming" the brit-car...

Or at the very worst we can blame the PO.  (well most of us except
Roland :-)

|> Nick


p.s. Is anyone going to the Indy British Car Day on the 26th?  A group
from the MG Car Club of Southwest Ohio is planning to caravan over.
I'm not sure if I will be going (I'm moving on the 25th), but if you
are going drop me a line.  Hey Mark Dodd (or after last night's
meeting maybe that should be "President Dodd" :-), if you want to go but the
Midget isn't running I'm sure you can get a ride with someone from the

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