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Re: inertia belts on TR4A

Subject: Re: inertia belts on TR4A
From: (Tim Dziechowski)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 93 16:11:36 EDT
Funny coincidence...on the way back from lunch I saw a TR6 with a hardtop
parked out on the street.  It had Kangol Reflex inertial reel seatbelts.
The reels were mounted on the rear "seat", but turned sideways.  They
were bolted against the bottom of the wheelwell.  This puts the belt
travel parallel to the wheel well.  There was a bolt near the top of the
wheelwell with a bracket which the belt went through.  The installation
was very clean and compact and looked like it might have been original.
Don't know, never had a TR6 (...I'm working on it  :-)

I tried the Securon replacement inertial reels which VB sells on my
'79 Midget when I did it over.  Didn't work...the reel is just enough
larger to foul the top when installed where the factory ones went.  (Tim Dziechowski - Phoenix Technologies - Cambridge, Mass)
"Nothing wrong with my driveway that a TR* wouldn't ameliorate."

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