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Re: British Cars Digest #939 Tue Sep 14 01:15:01 MDT 1993

Subject: Re: British Cars Digest #939 Tue Sep 14 01:15:01 MDT 1993
From: (John Loucks)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 93 20:00:17 EST
Hey folks,

I am really at a loss trying to figure out this problem, any super sleuths out 

My 75 Midget dies at seemingly random occassions. I can be driving along at a 
steady 55, accelerating, idling, decelerating ... I can't figure out what the 
cause is. The Tach drops immediately to zero and the engine dies. Sometimes it 
will start right up again but more often I have to wait 2 - 20 minutes to get 
it going.

The car has had serious PO destruction under the hood. I have a small exhaust 
manifold crack, no air pump, no by-pass valves, no anti-flame valves. I 
recently had the carb tuned by a knowledgeable mechanic here. I put in new 
plug wires & plugs. 

Recently the fuel gauge has decided not to work full time, on occassion it 
will very slowly climb to about 3/4 of the way even when I have a fuel tank. 
The reverse lamps do not work. 

The battery was moved to the boot my the PO or maybe the PPO but the cables 
are new and there is lots of power from the charging system. I soldered a 
loose connection on the starter solenoid last week but that did not improve 

My mechanic thinks it could be the ignition module overheating causing a drop 
in voltage that kills the ignition. He said this is common, especially on 
prolonged trips. The trouble is, the car worked fine on three two hundred mile 
trips this past month. Usually the problems occur when the car has been 
running 5 - 15 minutes.

I have noticed that the car occasionally has trouble maintaining idle dropping 
as low as 450-500 but it is not a problem with the idle settings on the carb.


@@  John A. Loucks        @@ If you go for a job interview,                @@
@@  (519) 432-6691        @@    do you ask if they prosecute?              @@
@@  U. of Western Ontario @@                     Jack Handey               @@
@@                                           @@

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