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Subject: switches
From: (James Howard)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 93 15:23:37 EDT
It finally happened.  The last of the original switches on my 72 MGB
died.  When I got the car 2+ years ago, at 90K miles, all the switches
except the heater fan worked.  A year later, while driving on the
interstate at night, I attempted to switch my lights off and on again
to signal an 18 wheeler that he could merge.  The switch jammed off.
I hot wired it on and got home, the replaced it.  Last fall, when it
started getting cool, the left hand turn signal would not stay on.  I
lived with it until it got warm, hoping it was a thermal thing.  When
it didn't fix itself, I tried to fix it, to no avail.  So, I bought a
new one.  Two months later, I tried to shift into overdrive and the
stalk came off in my hand.  And finally, last weekend, the hazard
light switch died.  I was surprised with that, since it doesn't get
used much, but it appears that is the problem.  There is corrosion in

Hopefully, after all this, they will be good for another 100,000


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