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Re: A few MGB questions

Subject: Re: A few MGB questions
From: (David Ambrose)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 93 19:38:04 PDT
>A couple of questions on '75 MGBs....
>For everyday running, does it pay to switch to breaker-less electronic
>ignition?  TRF has a unit for $108.  If I make the change, is a new
>coil called for, or will the Lucas suffice?  How about new plug leads?
>TRF has them in copper.
        I've got one on my '69.  It works great.  I don't seem to be fiddling
with the points every few thousand miles which leaves time for other things,
like 60 hour work weeks.  :-<

>One of the front shocks behaves like it's out of oil and I haven't
>replenished it yet.  If it proves to have a leak, can the seals be
>replaced?  The other shock is fine so there's no call to buy a pair.
>Is there a recognized average-mileage-before-failure with MGB shocks?
        The seals are non-replaceable.  I replaced both of mine with rebuilts
about 2 years ago and one of them is now leaking.  Best bet is to stay
out of potholes.  That's how I blew mine.

>Anyone have a Lucas 1975 NON-illuminated heater blower switch to sell?
        Those critters are rare indeed.  Seems to be we should be able to
find another (non original) switch to fit the panel opening.  Anyone else have
some pointers?

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