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[George=Murphy%NOAC%ETD.Y12@VINES.ORNL.GOV: Gas Gauge floats]

Subject: [George=Murphy%NOAC%ETD.Y12@VINES.ORNL.GOV: Gas Gauge floats]
From: mjb@triumph (Mark J Bradakis)
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 10:18:23 -0600
I am assuming this fellow meant to send this to the whole list, and not
just me.


    Return-Path: <George=Murphy%NOAC%ETD.Y12@VINES.ORNL.GOV>
    Date: Tue,  7 Sep 93 10:31:44 EDT
    From: George=Murphy%NOAC%ETD.Y12@VINES.ORNL.GOV
    Subject: Gas Gauge floats

I found CORK float in my 1960 MGA fuel level this original? I 
tested it in a can of gas and it floats just fine, so I put it back in after 
soldering broken wire on sender pot.
You might want to try cork if it lasts as long as mine (apparently) did.
I also calibrated my gas gauge to truly read almost empty at "E" and truly 
full at "F" - it can be done....

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  • [George=Murphy%NOAC%ETD.Y12@VINES.ORNL.GOV: Gas Gauge floats], Mark J Bradakis <=