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RE: British Engineering Triumph-ant...

Subject: RE: British Engineering Triumph-ant...
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 93 09:32:09 CDT
I think Scott Ruffner must have taken a blow to head w/o 
wearing a helmet.
>>  Triumph pioneered rack and pinion steering.
The Rileys were the first British car to use rack and pinion
steering. And their design looked suspisously like a French
car that was in their design studios during the "war".
William Morris (aka the "M" in MG) bought the Skinners Union
plant as well as other major suppliers. It was part of his 
effort to make a vertical manufacturing company.  The Japs were
given a liscense to make SUs after the "war". 
They still put SUs on their domestic car (nonEPA versions).
Please note that the Jap Nobel prize winners were educated
at Harvard.  
Just had to set the record straight. 
Martin "if Rileys were good enough for Sir Isaac Newton they are
good enough for me" Frankford
(this is a paraphrase of an argument used on me  once:
"if the King James version was good enough for the
Apostles, its good enough for me")

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