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University Motors 17th Annual MG Summer Party in Grand Rapids Michigan

Subject: University Motors 17th Annual MG Summer Party in Grand Rapids Michigan
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 93 09:46:40 EDT
Some of you have been asking about this, so I thought I would just post it
to everyone. We should have OVER 500 MG's there
University Motors
614 Eastern Ave. SE
Grand Rapids, Mi 49503-5517
  (616) 245-2141
Douglas Walker Park   August 20 -22, 1993
Thursday August 19, 1993
2pm-6pm MB club council meeting
4pm     University Motors-MG Grand tour 1
7pm     Pre-Ignition Party   in Hotel parking lot.   (Hilton on 28th street)
Friday  August 20, 1993
10am-8pm  Registration and Regalia Sales
10am-8pm  Vendor Sales
1pm-3pm   Talking Tour of MGA, MGB and MGC
3pm-6pm   Tour of the City  (end at WES MYRICK's Private Museum)
7pm-8pm   Reception of Original Owners   (this partys theme is those who are
                                          the orginial owners of their cars.)
8pm-11pm  MG Literature Exhibition
Saturday August 21, 1993
8am-9am Breakfast Buffet
9am     Rallye
930am   Caravan to Douglas Walker park
10am-noon Registration at Park
12 noon    Welcome to the Party addresses
12-4pm   Voting, parts contest, vendors, demonstrations ect
4pm      vote count at hotel
7pm Awards dinner
8pm      Keynote Address by Ron Gammons  (Chairman, MG Club, England
Sunday  August 22, 1993
830am  Caravan to Grattan Racetrack
930am  Parade laps with over 200 MG's
1000am  Breakfast at racetrack (Beadle's Breakfast)
930am-5pm  VSCDA Races 
             Vintage & Historic races, the features Porsche Race and the
             Touring Session.
There is more, I just am not going to put it all here. If you want it, lt
me know. 
I going up Friday in my BLUE MGB-GT 1966, my wife is actually coming with me.
so this will be very different. I am looking forward to seeing everyone there.
who else will be there?

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