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Re: The saga continues (TR7 problems)

Subject: Re: The saga continues (TR7 problems)
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 93 21:05:00 +0000
Ingo_Dean asks about his '80 TR7 convertible:

>...Once the engine warms up to cruising temperature, I can't park it without
>a cooldown period.  Makes buying gasoline embarrasing....
>Someone mentioned a heatshield on the starter....

I had an intermittent problem in my TR7 with starting that involved
getting power from the ignition switch to the relay that controls the
solenoid that activates the starter.  I finally paralleled the wire
with a redundant wire, because it wouldn't fail adequately to debug.
If yours is reliably heat-activated, though, it is unlikely to be
the same problem.

>...Vicky Brit lists a
>new dimmer/turnsignal switch for ~$80....And while I'm at it, my
>wiper switch is bad too...

I just bought a dimmer/turnsignal switch from TRF on a lightly
advertised (or maybe it was a not widely available) 15% off sale
that expires Saturday, I think.  It listed for $80.  Interestingly,
I was in a hurry, and asked for "Speedpak" service (2-day air).
Speedpak is charged by weight, rather than cost, so I saved many
dollars on such a light expensive part over ground shipping prices.

I often wanted to replace my wiper switch, and never got around to
it.... But when I installed an intermittent wiper activating circuit,
I found that the reason I wanted to replace the wiper switch --
intermittent failure to park the wipers when off -- was not the
fault of the switch but rather of the parking switch in the wiper
motor area.

BTW, when installing the new turnsignal switch, be sure to get the
turn-signal cancelling collar on right -- if it is rotated 180
degrees, it will only cancel the signals with 270 degree steering
wheel rotation, instead of 90.  I had this problem, and I think
I remember Greg Fieldson did as well.

>How much "bounce" should the popup headlights have?  Mine are all over
>the road (vertical bounce only) when I hit minor bumps...

I don't have any significant bounce in mine.

>BTW, how many people are on BOTH the britcar AND the TR8 list?

The TR8 list should probably be useful for TR7 owners.  How does
one get on it?

--Joe Gorin    '80 TR7 Convertible, California Specification (Fuel Injected)

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