The Zenith Stromberg carb on my Spitfire is giving me a lot of trouble.
Idles speed fluctuates between 1000-2000 rpm and it is running too rich.
I've tried adjusting it but it does not stay in tune. I eventually gave
up and brought it to a mechanic and he tried adjusting the choke and carb,
that seems to worked for a while but it is back to the way it was. The
mechanic said that the Stromberg does not take rebuilting very well and
suggested to replace the carb, he basically said I have three choices; get
a used SU carb, get a used dual SU carbs set, or go for a Weber conversion
kit. Needless to say all three choices are more than what I can affore
right now and a Stromberg rebuilt kit is only $13 from Special Interest.
Should I go ahead and try to rebuilt the carb or should I listen to his
advise and save myself from future headaches. Also is it worth it to
put a Grose Jet value into my carb if I rebuilt it. Any advise or comments
will be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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___________________________/\ /\ /\_____| \|_____| |_____ ___ ___ ___
Dave Kai-Chui Chu \/ \/ | /| | | | | |
Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng. |/ | | | |-- | |--
Concordia University Voice:(514)848-3115 |___ |___ |___
1455 de Maisonneuve W. H915 Fax: (514)848-2802
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8