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Subject: Requests
From: mjb@triumph (Mark J Bradakis)
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 93 16:05:03 -0600
For those of you who haven't figured it out, here's a description of
how I handle requests.  As you should all know, the way to remove yourself
from these lists is to send a request to the proper address, such as
autox-request or british-cars-request.  These requests get sent to a file
where I eventually, once every few days or so, go through them and deal
with it.  If you are on one of the autocross sublists, one of the other
administrators may take care of it.

Some of you send requests to the whole list.  This pretty much guarantees
I won't see it for some time, if ever.  Requests sent directly to me are
pretty much tossed out immediately with no further thought.

All that can be done with the request address is to add or remove someone.
We can't track down mail troubles at your site.  If you think about it for
just a moment, you might realize that if the list mail isn't reaching you
due to some change along the path, then the chances are good that my reply
won't reach you either.  The only changes made here are to list entries.
If some route configuration downstream changes, and cuts you off, there isn't
a whole lot I can do about it.  All you need to be on the lists is a valid
email address.  If your address starts bouncing, you will be removed.
I usually wait for a few days to make sure it isn't some transient error,
or a host along the way just being down for a few hours.

As for the content of requests, I'm the one at the other end, not some
program.  I can't remember the names and email address of the 1,000 or so
people served by the automotive mailing lists.  Try to put some useful info
in your message, like who you are, which list you are on and what you
want me to do.  And no, I don't keep a calander of when you plan to be back
from vacation, send another request.

Sure, it might take an extra few seconds out of your busy schedule to do so,
but think about what would happen if I had to spend just one minute dealing
with a message from everyone on the lists.  That multiplies out to more
than enough time to swap out the tranny in a big TR, including dinner at

So if you make some effort to help me, I'll help you in return.


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