Date: 30 Jun 93 10:37:52
From: (Roger Garnett)
> Scott Fisher #1 says,
> > D Production Triumph into E Production because it takes a
> > 6-cylinder, 2.5-liter Triumph to beat a 4-cylinder, 1.8-liter MG.
& Roger Garnet sez...
You're just mad cuz people walk by your TR and say intelligent
things like "Oh, is that an MG?
I got a parking ticket on my MGB in Boston once (well, actually, more
than once.) This particular once was special, since they wrote
'Triumph', instead of 'MG' in the 'Make of Car' slot, even though they
got the license number right. So, I called city hall to say there must be some
mistake, and they agreed, and cancelled the ticket!